Sunday 27 November 2016

the art of playing cards

Satirical Playing Cards: Germany - Designed by Peter Flötner, Nuremberg, c.1545 - Suits: Acorn, Leaf, Bell & Heart:
Satirical Playing Cards: Germany - Designed by Peter Flötner,
 Nuremberg, c.1545 - Suits: Acorn, Leaf, Bell & Heart

"The deck, which was recently discussed as a new finding, related to the Nurremberg chronicle of 1493, which by its use of dice results indicated the use of at least 21 symbols ...":

Playing Card:
King of Collars, from The Cloisters Playing Cards, ca. 1475–80

Death Tarot Card Art | The Medieval Scapini Tarot Deck | Oracle Cards | Divination:
The Medieval Scapini Tarot Deck

17th or 18th C. 10 of Spades. Cat Fiddling mice dancing. Engraved and hand-colored German playing cards based on French suit designs imported into England in 1712.:
17th or 18th C. 10 of Spades. Cat Fiddling mice dancing. Engraved and hand-colored German playing cards based on French suit designs imported into England in 1712

5 of Stags, from The Stuttgart Playing Cards Date:ca. 1430 Geography:Made in Upper Rhineland, Germany Culture:German Medium:Paper (six layers in pasteboard) with gold ground and opaque paint over pen and ink Dimensions:7 1/2 x 4 3/4 in. (19.1 x 12.1 cm):
5 of Stags, from The Stuttgart Playing Cards,1430, made in Upper Rhineland, Germany

| Master P W of Cologne | Playing card with nine engravings of rabbits or hares 1500:
Playing card with nine engravings of rabbits or hares 1500

Upper Knave of Falcons. Stuttgart playing cards c.1430. The World in Play | The Metropolitan Museum of Art:
Upper Knave of Falcons. Stuttgart playing cards c.1430

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