Friday 16 December 2016


Arthur Rackham, Winter Scene

Gustav Tenggren

Theodor Severin Kittelsen    ,,Nordic Thoughts:
Theodor Kittelsen, 'Nordic Thoughts'

John Bauer, 'Frau Holle and Tomte'

Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, Norse Fairy Tales. Illustrations by Reginald L. Knowles and Horace J. Knowles. 'Hold tight to my shaggy coat', said the bear:
Reginald & Horace Knowles, illustration for Nordic Fairy Tales
by Peter Christen Asbjornsen

ivan biblin - Recherche Google:
Ivan Bilibin, illustration for Morozko

Kay Nielsen, illustration from East of the Moon and West of the Moon

Illustration by E.H. Shepard for A.A. Milne's classic and charming Winnie-the-Pooh stories. None of the sadly most well know obnoxiously animated Pooh absurdity here, or in the book.:
E.H. Shephard, illustration for Winne The Pooh

Arthur Rackham, Father Christmas

P.J. Lynch, illustration for A Christmas Carol

Edmund Dulac, illustration from The Snow Queen

Angela Barrett, illustration for The Snow Queen

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