Saturday 14 January 2017

Tessa Farmer

The Depraved Pursuit of a Possum (detail) | 2013 | Tessa Farmer | #monamuseum:

Tessa Farmer:

by Tessa Farmer, UK:

Tessa Farmer's fairies:

Tessa Farmer:

'From The Deep' - Tessa Farmer:

Tessa Farmer:

Marauding Horde, Tessa Farmer:

the fairy Horde and the Hedgehog host by Tessa Farmer:

"Tessa Farmer is an artist based in London. Her work, made from insect carcasses, plant roots and other found natural materials, comprises hanging installations depicting Boschian battles between insects and tiny winged skeletal humanoids"


View more of her work on her website:

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