Friday 9 September 2016


This week's music recommendation comes from Mark Korven who wrote this fabulously unsettling score for the recent film of The Witch. Reminiscent of Julia Kent, Akira Rabelais' hauntingly atmospheric spellewauerynsherde and even No Neck Blues Band at its most cacophonous - its combination of percussion, cello and vocals creates an eerie and frantic sense of paranoia and unease.

Korven uses the contrast between silence and noise to great effect, in the same way that The Haxan Cloak builds ominous and claustrophobic soundscapes. Zeena Parkins' patchwork sound eclecticism and Current 93's more avant garde drone and noise work with Steven Stapleton are also evoked at times. Recommended listening for fans of experimental music. 

currently available to listen to on Spotify

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